I know what you're thinking. . .
Cody's going to sell my info to some trolls in exchange for some email templates 
You're right... :(
But someone has got to help out these blasted trolls!

I mean look at them!
Ain't nobody giving these derpy creatures a free handout.

So I will!

Which is why I created these sick email templates for you to use with your book launch team to maximize engagement and reviews for you book.

I even added a feature where you can plug in your info in under 30 seconds!

(i even made facebook versions)


Get your templates today so I can sell your info to these trolls. 

All I have to do is teach them how to use the internet and we're in business!

(...life's tough living under a bridge...)
Note: I am not selling your info and there are no trolls. We'll cross that bridge when I finally meet one...
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